How to fix Google Chrome installation failed in Windows 10 If you believe that your case is extraordinarily unique, we urge you to reach out to the Google Chrome support team. Other issues may be present on your device, however, our guide aims to fix just about any issue that could cause Google Chrome to not install. Conflict with earlier versions - Have you installed Google Chrome in the past? Leftover residual files may be causing issues with the new instance of Chrome, leading to the install process failing.Follow our guides to sort this out and install Google Chrome. Google Chrome setup won’t open - If the setup wizard for Google Chrome won’t even launch, the issue is definitely deep within your Registry or local app data.You can temporarily disable your antivirus to test if it’s causing the installer to fail.

Google Chrome installation failed due to unspecified errors - There are a number of generic Google Chrome errors that can happen during the installation process.

Some of the most common scenarios can be found in the section below. There can be multiple underlying issues on your computer that prevent you from being able to install Google Chrome. Why you can’t install Google Chrome in Windows 10 In this article, you can find out how to fix the Google Chrome Installation Failed error. However, some users using Windows 10 are experiencing issues with installing Google Chrome. It’s fast, reliable, and has the looks to fit in with any modern operating system. Google Chrome is perhaps the most popular web browser as of late.